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In Grenoble, caregivers are angry at the lack of resources at the hospital. The situation has become untenable. Several services are saturated, in particular the Emergencies. An indefinite strike has begun.
Two photos set fire to the powder last Tuesday, April 11. We see excess patients in the emergency room of Grenoble (Isère) taken on stretchers to the hospital hall. The staff are asking for beds and arms. But a new law to limit the use of temporary workers has further complicated matters. Faced with the situation, the unions therefore sent a report to the public prosecutor of Grenoble.
A recruitment problem
“Today, we bring to your attention, Mr. Prosecutor, that by these bed closure decisions for many years the public authorities have been endangering the health of the population and the staff of the CHUGA”, can we read in the report. The management of the hospital highlights a recruitment problem. For the moment, the staff are hanging on because the Grenoble emergency room is the only technical platform in the south of Isère to remain open 24 hours a day.