faced with the shortage of accommodation, students forced to live on campsites


Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – T.Grosse, V.Chatelier, M-.P.Cassignard, C.Chabaud, A.Alvarez

France Televisions

Faced with a lack of accommodation, students live in campsites during the low season. In a campsite in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, a partnership has even been set up with an engineering school.

The Vic-la-Gardiole campsite (Hérault) is a dream place for a week’s vacation, but when Loïs Bruelaeronautics degree student at the IUT of Montpellier (Hérault)walks its paths, it is not to enjoy the idyllic setting. She actually lives here in a tent for her studies. She explains that she has been living there for a month and a half currently. We make do with what we have, and we are desperately looking for a way to find good accommodation for the future.“, she explains.

250,000 student accommodations would be missing

According to a report submitted to the Senate in 2021, there is a shortage of 250,000 housing units students to meet demand in France. Faced with shortages, we have to make do with the means at hand, and initiatives remain rare. HAS Bidart (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)a campsite becomes a student residence during the low season. 150 future engineers stay here in mobile homes from September to June, thanks to a partnership between their school and the campsite. They pay 450 euros per month. This housing shortage students would concern all major metropolises. Over the past five years, the French university has welcomed at least 200,000 additional students.

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