This summer of 2022 is under very close surveillance because of the particularly high risk of fire, linked in particular to the heat and the drought. This year again, the authorities are asking the population to be particularly vigilant, especially the owners. These latter have obligation to clear their land when they live less than 200 meters from a wood or forest. It is essential to have done this before the start of the summer season.
Indeed, in summer it is more difficult to clear brush because depending on the risk of fire every day in the massifs, it may be forbidden to use a brush cutter in particular. These tools can thus create sparks and thus cause fires to start. But it exists an eco-friendly solution for brush clearing, when you want, with a free spirit, in the middle of summer: goats. This is part of what is called “eco grazing”.
“They come to clean, to clean”
Hyères AssociationBel Hill“ works with city owners. She takes the goats to their land and then the animals take care of eating the leaves. This is currently the case at the Plantier de Costebelle property in Hyères.
Barely arrived in the property, Madeleine, Roxane, Pirate or Makéba are already getting to work. The 32 goats and four sheep are there for two weeks and there is enough to eat: one hectare of scrubland. However, there is still a particular objective. “They come to clean, they come to clean” explains Ninon Megglé, breeder and president of the “Bêle colline” association.
– Luc Chemla
– Luc Chemla
The presence of goats is essential to limit the risk of flame propagation in the event of a fire. “We are in a space that is very ‘overgrown’ so, if ever there was a fire there, it would be difficult to manage with a lot of rises in temperature because there is a lot to burn. After the goats have passed, there is a lot less material to burn, so it’s much more manageable. There is more practicable path for the firefighters and above all the fire spreads much less quickly.
– Luc Chemla
With goats, “there is no negative point”
Nathalie is a volunteer of the association. According to her, there is absolutely no comparison between using a brushcutter or the action of goats. “When you put a brushcutter in one place, you will cut everything, nothing will remain. What will grow back will be bad plants, plants that have no interest in the soil.”
Nathalie explains that, conversely, goats “are not going to cut everything, there will be shoots, on the other hand they will nourish the soil and it is the good plants that will come out and it is the plants that will precisely help fight the fires. There is no negative point. Just as much with a brushcutter you can say that there is noise, it is expensive, it is dangerous because it can also start a fire. But with goats, there is no negative point, it’s only good.”
Goat action also important for Hermann’s tortoises
During this time, Renaud, the owner of the premises is reassured to have them, especially since in addition goats have another advantage according to him. “It’s also important for the population of Hermann’s tortoises that we have. The goats clear brush and make airy areas in this scrubland which is very dense. They will become nesting areas for the Hermann’s tortoise population which needs sun for egg laying.”
The association “Bêle colline” travels with its goats all year round to the owners against a small financial contribution. She would soon like to collaborate with the town hall of Hyères.