faced with the influx of migrants, the inhabitants of Lampedusa are angry


Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – R. Schapira, L. Pensa

France Televisions

The island of Lampedusa welcomed more than 800 migrants this week. Sunday September 17, while the situation stabilizes, residents are distraught and feel abandoned by Europe.

They have just spent three days at sea. Leaving Tunisia, 40 exiles land on the island of Lampedusa (Italy). Coming from Ivory Coast, they have just completed one of the most dangerous stages of their journey. This week, the small island of 7,000 inhabitants found itself overwhelmed by the flow of migrants. More than 8,500 arrivals in a few days. Never Lampedusa had never experienced such a situation. It is a trauma for the residents, who have already suffered. “It is not fair. It’s a massacre. […] They must help us.”assures a woman.

New transfers

Residents feel alone in the face of this migration crisis. In the heart of the island, the Red Cross reception center is still saturated. He gradually returns to normal activity. “We still have 1,500 people. Some of them should be transferred in the coming hours.”noted Ignatius Schintuthe vice-president of the Red Cross. Migrants do not know the destination of these transfers. It doesn’t matter, everyone wants to leave Lampedusa.

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