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Concern is growing as the number of Covid-19 infections increases. The school seems to be the weak link in the health system, with more than 80,000 positive students, a figure up 54% over one week. The return of the mandatory mask is envisaged.
Some take advantage of a newfound freedom, others even keep it outside, but among all, the idea of a return to wearing a mask is gaining ground. “The Covid is on the rise and I am of a certain age. I want to be careful“, explains a Toulouse woman, mask on her nose in the street. Inside, some choose to keep their distance, like in a Parisian company.We continue to have a separate office as long as we can. In meeting rooms, if we cannot respect the distance, the mask becomes compulsory“, explains for his part a business manager in Paris.
For three weeks, the epidemic has started again, with 100,000 cases on average over the past few days, up 37% over one week. Hospital admissions are also up slightly (+7%). Did we abandon the mask too soon? Emmanuel Macron in any case said he was ready to make the mask compulsory again if the health situation required it.