faced with the home help crisis, two associations are sounding the alarm


Video duration:
1 minute


Article written by

franceinfo – PY Salique, J. Mimouni, A. Delcourt, F. Fontaine

France Televisions

Faced with the home help crisis, AFM-Téléthon and APF France handicap will contact the Defender of Rights for endangering the lives of others and failing to provide widespread assistance to people in danger.

They are the people who enable people with disabilities to live day and night. They also provide relief to families. There are too few caregivers in France. Today, two associations are sounding the alarm. Laurence Tiennot-Hermentpresident of theAFM-Téléthonnoted : “The situation is deteriorating, deteriorating. Families constantly call on us. […] There is a real shortage, a real crisis in home help.”

The Defender of Rights contacted

Mohammed Oumrani recruit these caregivers and demonstrates the lack of appeal of this profession. “It’s a very demanding job. […] It’s a job where there are a lot more part-time jobs than full-time jobs. It is a profession thatEast not far from the minimum wage. It must be valued and I think that the contribution of the State is the Welcome”, he admits. L’AFM-Téléthon And APF France disability will grab the Ddefender of rights for endangering the lives of others and general failure to provide assistance to people in danger.

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