faced with the epidemic rebound, some schools encourage their students to put on the mask

No choice: for some, it is necessary to remask. Since March 14, wearing a mask is no longer compulsory in schools. But at the Félix Le Dantec high school, in Lannion (Côtes-d’Armor), more than a hundred positive cases were counted in less than two weeks out of the 1,900 students in the establishment. Among teachers, every day, there are six or seven new contaminations out of the 200 teachers at the establishment.

The principal, Pascale Le Flem, therefore sent an email to teachers and students to encourage them to re-mask themselves. “In the majority of cases, adults report itshe assures, and the students, we try to insist but that is not the case for all. How much ? “About half of the students”replies the headmistress.

>> Testimonials. Covid-19: with the end of the mandatory mask, some fragile people no longer feel “safe”

The Covid-19 epidemic is experiencing a rapid rebound in France. Brittany is today the most affected region according to the latest data from Public Health France, with an incidence rate of 1,439 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In Ille-et-Vilaine, two classes from a school in Redon are affected, after two positive cases of Covid-19. “It’s not easy to keep because we can’t impose it”confides the director Emmanuelle Maray, who has just appealed to the responsibility of families.

“Now overall I think wisdom is going to win out and there might be one or two kids on the fringe not having it but I think in school it’s not won’t necessarily be complicated.”

Emmanuelle Maray, director of a school in Redon

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Since the measure was lifted at the national level, the position is not obvious for the heads of establishments since they do not have the right to impose on children to postpone the mask. But between recommendation and obligation, the boundary is sometimes blurred. And from one establishment to another, the situations are diverse. In a school in the North, the mask is strongly encouraged, as a precaution before leaving for snow class.

“When you receive a message from the principal or headteacher, a recommendation may come across as a polite form of obligationregrets Laurent Zameczkowski, spokesperson for the Peep parents’ federation. In certain specific cases, we can understand it, but for that it is necessary to explain the situation and to justify it so that it is accepted. Some rectorates had to recall the rules after the decision of certain establishments to impose the wearing of a mask again.

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