Faced with the energy crisis, a data center in Yonne relies on solar trackers



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In Toucy, in the Yonne, a huge data center has decided to turn to rotating photovoltaic panels to supply part of the site’s energy. To compensate for the rise in the price of electricity, these “trackers” allow these behemoths to follow the path of the sun and maximize the accumulated energy. #TheyHaveTheSolution

In Toucy in the Yonne, a datacenter (data center grouping overpowered computer equipment) set up a solution to the energy crisis at the beginning of October. A huge base dedicated to securing cryptocurrencies, the site runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and consumes the equivalent of ten houses per day (2.5 megawatts).

To lower electricity bills, this “mining farm” has equipped itself with huge rotating photovoltaic panels, two solar trackers that provide 30% of the company’s daily energy needs. The principle is the same as for sunflowers: the trackers follow the path of the sun from sunrise to sunset. “The system changes inclination according to the positioning of the sun”, explains Théo Gouin, business developer at Thalie, a company specializing in energy transition.

The performance of solar trackers is attracting attention from other companies of its kind, a solution that is becoming more democratic in order to reduce ever-increasing electricity costs. “The demand for data centers has increased enormously since the start of the school year, particularly with energy and its costs which are on the rise”, adds Theo Gouin.

The company also points to the ecological aspect of these rotating giants, which are made with materials that would reduce their carbon footprint by 50%. The manager of the data center is now looking for other solutions to put in place to eventually become completely self-sufficient in energy.

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