faced with the departure of the mother of the family, he gets closer to one of his exes…

Good news for fans of “Marseillais”, some emblematic candidates are back on the show “C’est la famille”, currently broadcast on the 6Play platform. The opportunity to see some candidates filmed in their daily life in Dubai. We thus find Manon and Julien Tanti who live in the sunny city with their two children Tiago and Angelina.

One of the first episodes shows a discord between the couple because Manon wants to enlarge their house and Julien doesn’t agree because it would be very expensive and because he doesn’t want to live elsewhere for the duration of the work. Faced with the broadcast of the program, Manon would then have decided to put the subject back on the carpet and insist on doing this work at 300,000€. Something to annoy Julien and enough to cause a terrible argument on the evening of July 14.

Manon Tanti leaves the family home
“Manon has been managing everything for years. Yesterday, they started to discuss calmly, then afterwards, it went up in the towers and it exploded! A lot of reproaches were made. Manon let go of him that he didn’t speak a word of English and that she managed everything in Dubai: money, business, real estate, children, finances. Moreover, she decreed that she was the one who put him back on the right track and that she had him changed for the better. Julien owes him the life he leads today.” can we read on the Instagram account @tmzofficiel.

Furious, Julien would then have retorted that it was she who owed him everything. The fact of being married to the most emblematic candidate of “Marseillais” would have allowed her to get out of the head of the water. He thus stated that “If she hadn’t hooked up with him, she’d still be twerking in Miami with Wiz Khalifa“. Manon would then have seen red and would have taken her things to leave with the children. Something she had already done a few months ago after an argument.

Julien Tanti takes revenge on social networks
Seeing that his wife had left, Julien would have decided to provoke her by reposting nasty tweets about Manon, written by Internet users. The father of the family then began to follow several Instagram accounts of ultra-sexy women and to follow his ex Parisa, the former booker of “Marseillais in Thailand” with whom he had a little romance…

Disappeared since the evening of July 14, Manon Tanti has decided not to give any sign of life. While the couple was to spend a few days in Cannes, the mother disappeared and no longer answers the phone to anyone.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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