faced with the decline in purchasing power, French people are taking up gardening


France 3

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Since the lockdown, many French people turn to gardening for food. A growing phenomenonthen the Ukrainian crisis and the rise in prices.

Two years ago, gardening had experienced a resurgence of interest with confinement. It is now the war in Ukraine and the rise in the price of fruit and vegetables that encourage some French people to cultivate a vegetable garden. 16 million French people grow fruits and vegetables in this way. It is a pleasure for some, a necessity for others. A woman manages to make real savings, ie 100 to 150 euros per month, she tells a team from France Télévisions.

At a nurseryman in Lyon (Rhône), this renewed interest in gardening has been observed. He has noticed a 30-40% increase in sales on vegetable plans over the past two years. In addition, you don’t need a big garden to cultivate a vegetable garden, a balcony can be enough to hope for good harvests. According to the nurseryman, “there are only two rules: be patient and observant to make your garden a success”.

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