faced with the controversies around Noël Le Graët, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra assures that her hand “will not shake when drawing conclusions”

The Minister of Sports has called for the example of the French Federation, while an audit is underway to shed light on the sexist climate which reigns at the FFF and on the behavior of its president, Noël Le Graët.

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Controversies are piling up around the French Football Federation, and Amélie Oudéa-Castéra is stepping up to the plate. The Minister of Sports assured that she would take her responsibilities on Friday October 14 in an interview on RTL, while the FFF and its president Noël Le Graët are the subject of several investigations by various media, including that of Franceinfo published on Wednesday. Oudéa-Castéra is awaiting the results of an audit it commissioned on September 16, and which is being carried out within the FFF following the revelations of So Foot.

I want this Federation to be exemplary in the way it takes up this major issue of gender-based or sexual violence.proclaims the Minister. My hand will not shake when drawing conclusions. I have a certain number of prerogatives, the institution itself has some.

Amélie Oudéa-Castéra wishes to wait for the end of this process “in respect of the voice of the victims and the contradictory” she assures. While hammering that she will not delay in applying sanctions based on the results of this investigation into the management and treatment of sexual violence. “The timing is not related to the World Cup. The treatment of gender-based violence by the FFF is not conditioned by victories for the Blues in the group stage.

The Minister of Sports, however, believes that Noël Le Graët will be “probably still president” for the World Cup in Qatar, from next November 20, and that it is “his role in supporting the team as president of the FFF.”

While the figure of one minor athlete in seven would be the victim of rape and sexual assault is advanced by Charlotte Caubel, Secretary of State for Children, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra calls for “fear and shame switch sides“.”This figure is considerable, it must stop. More resources are needed for investigations to go faster, to remind everyone of their reporting obligations. This destruction, I will not let it happen.“A convention on children facing sexual violence must be organized by the two ministers in January 2023.

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