Faced with a new wave of COVID, the French called to be vaccinated

The French government asked Friday for a “burst of vaccination” from the French, a few days before the end of the year celebrations, also enjoining them to “put the mask back on public transport”.

While France, as in neighboring countries, is currently experiencing a triple epidemic with the juxtaposition of COVID-19, influenza and bronchiolitis, the Minister of Health, François Braun, spoke of a “serious situation” during of a press conference.

Only “2.8 million people have been vaccinated against COVID-19 since the beginning of October, this is far less than our European neighbors”, underlined Mr. Braun, referring specifically to the ongoing recall campaign.

Tonight I ask you [d’] to help [les soignants]by getting vaccinated and respecting barrier gestures.

On the flu side, “9.9 million vaccines were sold in pharmacies”, a decrease of 5% compared to 2021.

Consequently, “the French are less well protected this year”, “I solemnly call for a jump in vaccination”, he said.

Helping Caregivers

Noting that the caregivers had been applauded every day by the French during the first wave of COVID, Mr. Braun launched: “Tonight, I ask you to help them, by vaccinating yourself and respecting barrier gestures. »

The Minister also insisted on the importance of barrier gestures: washing your hands, ventilating regularly, wearing a mask in closed places. “In public transport, in trains”, he pleaded for the latter.

But Mr. Braun ruled out making the mask compulsory, as many caregivers demand: “There are simple gestures that do not need a text. »

On Thursday, President Emmanuel Macron had put on a mask during a trip, believing that it was necessary to “get back to habits” in the face of the rise in the COVID-19 epidemic, “on a voluntary basis”.

In France, the first eight waves of COVID brought some immunity to the population, widely vaccinated but late for the second boosters.

But if the total number of hospitalized patients remains significantly below the highest levels seen this year, this recovery risks hitting an already struggling health system.

The pandemic has claimed more than 158,000 lives in France and, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 6.6 million deaths worldwide.

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