Face-to-Face 2022 in a few tough exchanges

For the first time since the start of the campaign, the five leaders crossed swords yesterday. The exercise was perilous with so many parties represented and host Pierre Bruneau had to reframe the “energy in the air” several times. From the environment to the pandemic and immigration or even the third link, the leaders have fired many arrows. The game notably allowed François Legault and Éric Duhaime to throw down the gloves on the management of the pandemic. Here are the best exchanges.

• Read also: 2022 “Face-to-Face” debate: Legault on the defensive

• Read also: Chef Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois scored several points

  • Listen to the podcast Face-à-Face des chefs 2022 which was broadcast live on the radio via QUB-radio :


“You spend a lot of time talking about the middle class, but the truth is that you don’t know the middle class […] »

-Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois

“When you say you’re going to put a $4,800 amber tax on a Toyota Camry and a $7,500 amber tax on someone who buys a family van, if that’s not middle class, who is that? »

-Francois Legault

“Mr. Duhaime, introduce yourself as governor of Texas, you’ll really be in your place. »

-Gabrielle Nadeau-Dubois

“Me, Mr. Nadeau-Dubois, I will never insult you, then I will never tell you to report to Cuba OK? I would like that we remain respectful. »

– Eric Duhaime


” With you [Éric Duhaime], we would return to liberal austerity, cuts as in the past! »

-Francois Legault

“Good, Bonhomme Sept Heures coming out. »

– Eric Duhaime

“We are not going to take half a billion dollars and then spend it on Quebec sovereignty as you plan to do. »

-Dominique Anglade

“Are you instrumentalizing the question of independence in a debate on mental health? Do you know who you remind me of, Madame Anglade, when you do that? You remind me of Jean Charest. »

-Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois


“You can’t make a people independent when the youth doesn’t want it. »

– Eric Duhaime

“Young people want it and you are a pessimistic ‘dependentist’. »

-Paul St-Pierre Plamondon

“The problem is solved at the Joliette hospital. »

-François Legault, on systemic racism

“You are not Premier of Joliette. You are Premier of Quebec. »

-Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois

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