Fabrice: What has become of the host since he ended his career?

Television and radio host from the 60s to the 90s, Fabrice (real name François Simon-Bessy) had become an emblematic personality of the French audiovisual landscape. However, in the 2000s, he suddenly decided to retire in order to go and live in Switzerland. Interviewed by France Sunday in July 2021, he confided how he now manages his daily life with his “wonderful“Marry Michele.”We’ve been together for thirty-six years and we’ve never been apart for more than two hours. It’s pretty phenomenal, but we are a very close couple.

Happy retired, the former host however confided that the public with which he had had “very close relationships“Missed him immensely.”For me, they were friends (…). Today, when I do certain things, I see certain things, movies that excite me, etc. I would like to tell them.“revealed with great nostalgia.

Dad of Sophie, the former host of the show The Class recently became a grandfather to his delight. “Ah yes, from an adorable little Margaux, who is six and a half years old. She comes regularly to the house and it’s quite a phenomenon. In my opinion, she inherited genes from René Simon and myself. A real actress! I hope she will have a more assertive vocation than mine, because it is very distressing not to know what will become of us.

A month earlier, Fabrice had confided in the show We redo the TV on RTL the reasons for his withdrawal from media life. If he had recognized he could have stayed”two, three more years if the circumstances were right“, he nevertheless underlined that he had felt a great need to stop, for “do something else” If a possible return to the airwaves had been offered to him by the host Eric Dussart, he had been quickly swept away by a backhand by Fabrice. “I’m going to be 80! (…) A daily show, I won’t last.” he had launched, visibly very happy with his retired status.

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