Fabienne Thibeault: Her daughter Zoé is going to marry her partner!

A beautiful event is preparing in the family of Fabienne Thibeault: at 38 years old, his daughter Zoé will go to the town hall to say yes to his companion Laure. A nice news that she announced to the magazine Paris here on newsstands this April 20, 2022, very happy, revealing that her only daughter “lives near Strasbourg and works a lot“.

She will marry in June with her partner, Laure, a German teacher, who has a 10-year-old daughter, Lena“, she said. A good time that Zoé will live without her dad: Saüd Kahn Khattak died in September 2018, sad news that the singer had herself announced on her Facebook page, paying a beautiful tribute to her ex-companion.

Dear Saud we have shared 20 years of life!!! We had a beautiful daughter together. You were someone bright, deeply good and sincere… We always remained friends and enjoyed seeing each other again! You left suddenly, carried away in your sleep. Allah received you with him and the sadness of the Montreal Pakistani community testifies to what you were, upright and courageous.“, she had written, before thinking of her loved ones.

My family has always appreciated and loved you. Christian kisses you and I keep you in my heart. As for Zoé, she mourns the departure of the man who taught her to walk. Farewell Dear Saud and see you later up there“: a beautiful conclusion for the one who must always be missed by the young woman. The singer, for her part, has rebuilt her life for more than eleven years with Christian, the former manager of the Creole Company.

Very in love for all these years, she also takes advantage of the interview withParis here to make a nice statement. “I’m like, ‘What a pity we didn’t meet sooner!’ to enjoy longer. But we still have good years. We get along well. We are different, but we have the same way of seeing things. He is very sensitive that I am well, that we move forward together, and I take care of him too.“, she says.

If her husband”love this [qu’elle] writing” and the “reveals as author“, for the moment, the time is not for song for Fabienne Thibeault, but for fashion: she recently launched a collection for curvy women, in collaboration with her friend, the singer Stone. An ambitious project, for which a parade was organized on April 5.

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