Fabienne Carat, single mom: “I don’t know when the dad will come to see the baby …”

On December 6, 2021, Fabienne Carat’s life was turned upside down. Indeed, the 42-year-old actress gave birth to her very first child, an adorable little girl named Celeste. In the pages of the magazine Gala, on newsstands this Thursday, December 23, 2021, the former star of More beautiful life (France 3) now showing at Research Section (TF1) opens up about this new life as a single mother and confides in the father, from whom she is separated.

She gave birth alone in Nice and alone that she is going to raise her daughter. “I have no regrets because I am not a decision maker. Apart from accepting the situation, there was not much I could do, she regrets. I don’t want to force people. The door is open, I am not judging anyone and even less him. He will come when he wants. If he’s not ready, there’s nothing I can do about it.“This decision to keep the baby, Fabienne Carat took it alone, too. Besides, she”do not think“let the father understand.”I don’t know actually, I wouldn’t want to speak for him“, she nuances. At almost twenty days of life, little Céleste has not yet met her dad. But Fabienne Carat leaves time to time …”He knows that I gave birth, but I don’t know when he will come to see the baby“, she confides.

And to recall their situation: “Between us, it is a story of very sincere friendship that has changed. We were both extremely surprised that I got pregnant. It was the start of a love story and I thought I couldn’t have children. But first I had to think about myself and what life had to offer me. I felt that at 40 my life hadn’t started. Two solutions were available to me: to have an abortion because the other was not ready or to keep the child because life gave me this gift. I had to assume this emergency and it caused some damage.

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