Fabienne Carat makes a big update

Céleste will undoubtedly be the most Christmas present that Fabienne Carat has had in her life. Although the little girl arrived a few days before the man dressed in red distributed the gifts, this does not detract from the joy of the actress who became a mother on December 6. However, sometimes happiness can be accompanied by a few problems… And speaking of problems, the former star of More beautiful life has to face a funny situation. While she was due to give birth in Paris, it was finally in the hospital Santa Maria of Nice that she gave life to her little wonder. Not far from the filming location of the series Research Section in which Fabienne Carat plays an important role.

Since she became a mother, rumors indicate that the actress has not taken the necessary precautions to ensure that her baby girl arrives in the world healthy. “I am annoyed to read that it was my contractions that interrupted the filming of Research Sections !!! It’s false and archi false, everything was going very well on my side “, defends Fabienne Carat on Instagram, annoyed by the critics.

But also : “I had no complications and was in very good health. If I didn’t make a Nice-Paris return trip during the off days, it was to take no risk and give myself rest. “ The actress then giving more details about the stopping of filming of the series: “I was vaccinated and I was careful throughout my pregnancy but a few days before the end of filming an actor / actress brought the covid back to the set and I was one of the infected people! That’s why I couldn’t go back to Paris as planned, at the end of filming, for the birth of my daughter. “
Since his PCR test showed him positive “The night before” Upon her return initially planned to Paris, the young mother had no other choice than to stay put and give birth to her daughter in the south of France.

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