Fabienne Carat is a mother: The sex of the baby finally known, her sweet first name revealed!

It was last July that Fabienne Carat’s pregnancy was revealed in the press. For long weeks, the actress of Research Section (TF1) preserved itself, hiding its baby bump during official events and never once evoking this little being who was growing inside her. Then, at the end of September 2021, the pretty 42-year-old brunette, seven months pregnant, decided to fully assume her new role as well as her new curves. Two months later, here she is became a mom for the first time !

As the magazine reveals Close, Fabienne Carat gave birth on December 6, 2021. A baby that weighed a little over 3 kilos. According to them, the baby was rather expected for the end of the month. The actress reportedly felt the first contractions while she was on the set of Research Section in Nice. She gave birth to a baby girl so, three weeks before the term and far from her sister Carole Carat, to whom she is so close. The mother and the baby are doing well and Fabienne Carat has decided to give her child a very sweet name: Celeste.

Remember that last September, for Current wife, Fabienne Carat had already spoken about her pregnancy, and in particular the uncertain sex of the baby. “It has changed a lot! [rires] At first I felt it was a girl. Then I was told it was a boy and two months later it was finally a girl, she had declared. So I’m waiting to be sure before revealing it. I’ll wait for the next ultrasound, I’m suspicious (laughs).“Since then, the ex-star of More beautiful life (France 3) has not given any more information on this subject …

Finally, the one who considers herself a single mother had also mentioned the role of dad. “It was a very beautiful story of friendship that turned into a very beautiful story … But for the moment, I am a single mom. Everyone will have their place as a parent“she confided to Public. Fabienne Carat can count on the support of her sister Carole Carat, already mother of a little Victoire (2 years old), with whom she moved in last January.

Congratulations to Fabienne Carat on the birth of her first child!

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