Fabienne Carat inadvertently reveals the face of her daughter Celeste

Thursday, April 21, 2022 was a sad day for fans of Research section. The series ended after 14 seasons and it was last night that TF1 broadcast the grand finale (a ratings card). Fabienne Carat, who joined the cast in 2019 in the guise of Commander Lorieux, was the guest of Sud Radio for the occasion. And inadvertently, she revealed the face of her daughter Celeste4 months old.

At the start of the interview, host Valérie Expert announced that Fabienne Carat had made the trip with her granddaughter. “I don’t take her everywhere but when I have no choice like this morning, I take her. But she is very wise“, specified the 42-year-old actress. She then continued the interview, sometimes glancing at her wonder. But, when she had just revealed that she had found love at the end of twenty-one minute interview, the former star of More beautiful life (France 3) heard Celeste cry.

Fabienne Carat therefore rushed to join her daughter to take her in her arms and come with her to the microphone to continue the interview. But she had no idea that she was being filmed and therefore revealed, without doing it on purpose, the face of Celeste as you can see here on video. She realized it after Valérie Lexpert asked her if she didn’t mind revealing her baby’s face. “Why are we filmed there? Ah darn“, she replied, while hastening to hide her face. The Sud Radio team therefore removed the camera from the actress, while she put Celeste back in.”I don’t really have an opinion on showing my daughter or not“, she continued.

Then Fabienne Carat returned to her difficult childbirth, told during an interview for the podcast parents first (of Entertainment TV): “Many women go through difficult things. And sometimes we are admired for incomprehensible reasons. We are a bit of a symbol, an example and a hope. I’m like them and I have a lot of single and single women who write to me, we support each other. Pregnancy and childbirth are difficult“, she concluded.

Remember that Fabienne Carat is raising her daughter alone. She and dad separated when she was pregnant because he wasn’t ready to have a child. But the beautiful brunette can count on her sister Carole, with whom she lives with her husband and her daughter Victoire, to help her.

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