Fabienne Carat, her pregnancy pounds gone: 10 kg lost in less than a month

Fabienne Carat had the joy of giving birth to her first child on December 6, 2021 in the south of France. In two days it will therefore be a month. 31 days during which she has already lost her pregnancy pounds thanks to a magical technique. Confidences.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022 on his Instagram account, the ex-star of More beautiful life who has just completed the filming of Research Section promoted lymphatic drainage, a massage that aims to stimulate lymph circulation. “I did one 20 days ago because I had had a lot of water retention. I had 10 kilos of water retention and there it is, I lost everything“, she confided happy. And to add:”I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight, yes! But we will continue because we have to be very careful. I continue to take drainers [boissons qui permettent de nettoyer l’organisme et d’améliorer notre métabolisme, NDLR], and we are going to redo a drainage today to put all that in place.

It was a few days ago that Fabienne Carat had confided in her “small postpartum complications“faced after the birth of her daughter Celeste. She had revealed to have had”swelling and excessive water retention” at Star TV.

On December 25, 2021, she unveiled her post-pregnancy body and her weight loss on video. To do this, she had posted images on Instagram in which she posed with Celeste, her sister Carole and the latter’s daughter, Victoire. The beautiful brunette wore leather pants and a black and red top that highlighted her already slender figure.

Happy mother, Fabienne Carat did not live the childbirth of her dreams and her first days as a mother were very difficult. The reason ? She did not give birth to her sister in Paris but in the south of France. In addition, she was positive for Covid-19. “This is without a doubt the moment when I suffered the most from loneliness: between the pains associated with the cesarean section and the fact of taking care of my baby alone, who, consequently, never left my room.“she confided to Star TV. It’s all just a bad memory now.

Fabienne Carat is in great shape and it is better because she has many projects: two feature films shoots, an album to finish and the writing of her second show.

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