Fabienne Carat happy mother, the actress shocks Internet users with her post-partum body!

The year 2021 has been rich in emotions for Fabienne Carat. After having chained the projects on the screen, the actress decided to ease off to focus on her private life. On December 6, the ex-star of More beautiful life welcomed a little Celeste. Sadly, his happiness has been tarnished by the pandemic. “If the birth went well, the first days were very difficult because I was all alone, in isolation, since positive asymptomatic for Covid-19”, confessed Fabienne Carat in the columns of Star TV.This is without doubt the moment when I suffered the most from loneliness: between the pains associated with the cesarean section and the fact of taking care of my baby alone, who, consequently, never left my room. ”

According to her statements, Fabienne Carat would have contracted Covid-19 on the final filming of the fiction Research Section. “I was negative until the day before my return to Paris where I was to give birth to Céleste. Everything collapsed! I was stuck in Nice. I didn’t know what to do or how. God knows I ‘m. have been through difficult things in my life, but this was a huge blow! ” added the star, bitter.

But all of those bad memories are now behind her. To this day, the actress is enjoying her new life as a young mother to the fullest. Fabienne Carat was also able to celebrate the Christmas holidays alongside her loved ones. On December 24, 2021, she immortalized herself with her baby and her sister Carole Carat who was holding her own daughter in her arms. Facing the camera, Fabienne Carat was very smiling with a slender figure. In the comments thread of her Instagram post, many of her followers commented on her postpartum physical transformation. “It doesn’t even look like she had a baby”, “You are resplendent. Lots of kisses to your baby and more congratulations ”,“ Sublime Fabienne as always. Have a good holiday ”,“ Incredible ”… It remains to be seen if the main concerned will soon reveal her secret for having found the line so quickly!


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