The national secretary of the French Communist Party was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” this Friday.
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“I’m worried. We are all worried“, declared Friday October 13 on franceinfo Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the French Communist Party. “The concerns that everyone has are those linked to the now widespread conflagration after this horrible attack that took place last October 7, which will remain as a black day for humanity. There will be a before and an after“, he continued.
“Everyone is afraid of the conflagration that could develop today. There is the response right now from the Israeli government, but there is the offensive that will take place in the hours, in the days to come “, he explained. The IDF demanded the evacuation of northern Gaza within 24 hours. The United Nations fears a “humanitarian disaster”.
“The answer cannot be the law of retaliation, blind revenge”
Fabien Roussel is worried about the nature of the Israeli offensive. “Will it also be to attack all the terrorist centers that are in other countries? I am thinking of Lebanon, Iran, Syria. If that were the case, you carefully assess the risk of significant conflagration that there could be in this entire region of the world in the Middle East”he warned.
The national secretary of the French Communist Party “recognizes the right of the government of Israel to pursue those who committed these despicable, barbaric, terrorist acts”. But according to him, “the answer cannot be the law of retaliation, blind revenge”he said.
Israeli raids hit Gaza where many buildings were destroyed. “It’s a response that hits civilians. A response that hits buildings and civilian infrastructure” underlines Fabien Roussel. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on the Israeli government to respect “international humanitarian law”.