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Four days before the first round, the 20 Hours welcomes, Wednesday, April 6, the candidate of the French Communist Party, Fabien Roussel. The latter expresses himself in particular on his position concerning nuclear power.
Present on the set of the 20 Hours, Fabien Roussel responds to the fact that he is the only candidate on the left to want to invest massively in nuclear power and relaunch the project for a fourth generation reactor. “I regret that there is not this debate between us (other candidates)”retorts Fabien Roussel at first. He then explains that energy bills have increased considerably due to the privatization of its resources and the dependence on France which “has not invested in nuclear power”. “I’m the only one who wants an energy mix”he continues, also wishing to invest in renewable energies.
The measure shock of Fabien Roussel’s program is that the candidate plans to switch to a 32-hour workweek without a reduction in salary. “It already exists in the hotel industry”he justifies, explaining that this makes difficult jobs more attractive. According to him, “big companies have the means to do it”which contributes to the well-being of employees. What’s more, “I trust the employees to alert and to put these measures in place because it is social justice”he explains.