Fabien Roussel is “not aware” that an investigation concerning him is open


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The communist candidate is however well targeted by a preliminary investigation by the national financial prosecutor’s office for embezzlement of public funds and suspicion of fictitious jobs.

The candidate of the French Communist Party (PCF) in the presidential election, Fabien Roussel, is not “not up to date” that a preliminary investigation concerning him, for embezzlement of public funds and concealment of this offense aimed at suspicion of fictitious jobs, has been opened by the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF). “There was a press article in Mediapart and since then, at my place in Saint-Amand-les-Eaux [dans le Nord]I received no summons, no invitation to meet anyone”, he thus affirmed, this Tuesday on franceinfo. “My wife says to me: ‘But how can they say that? We haven’t received anything in the mailbox'”he insisted.

Fabien Roussel returned to this Mediapart article which “involves” and has it “bruised”. “When you are a communist militant, when you are a communist parliamentary assistant and you give yourself without counting, you are touched”did he declare. “We donate our emoluments, we do not get rich when we work and we are the only ones to do so”, he added. He also pointed out that he has “one of the smallest assets among the candidates” at the Elysee.

According to Mediapart, Fabien Roussel benefited from a fictitious job as a parliamentary assistant between 2009 and 2014 with the communist deputy Jean-Jacques Candelier. The Communist Party candidate for the presidential election assured on Twitter that he had the “evidence” of his “fieldwork” in the north.

Radio France’s investigation unit has contacted union officials in the sector where the candidate says he worked, but they say they do not remember his presence with the deputy.

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