Fabien Roussel “hopes” for an agreement between the PCF and LFI “today”

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09:15 : “It’s historic because it triggers the beginning of a dynamic”, declares this morning on franceinfo Manuel Bompard, the campaign director of La France insubordinate to the legislative elections. Discussions must take place with the PS and the PCF during the day. “I consider that we agree on 90-95% of the subjects, it’s positive, we mark a first step”he insisted, believing that there may be “slightly different approaches” and “it’s not decisive”because “everyone will keep his freedom”.

09:06 : Bone of contention between LFI, EELV and the Communist Party, the nuclear issue “will not be in the legislature contract”announces the communist leader Fabien Roussel on franceinfo, very confident in the imminent signing of an agreement with La France insoumise.

09:12 : It is 9 a.m., here is the point on the news:

• The alliance is sealed. La France insoumise and Europe Ecologie-Les Verts have concluded an agreement for the legislative elections, under the banner of “New Popular Ecological and Social Union”. Discussions must be held today with the Communists and the PS.

• From the Polish-Ukrainian border to the south of France, from Lublin in Poland to Munich in Germany, franceinfo went to meet volunteers and displaced people targeted by human traffickers. Investigation by our journalist Valentine Pasquesoone.

116,500 people demonstrated in France on Sunday, according to the Interior Ministry. They were “over 210,000”, according to the CGT. Five demonstrators tell us why they marched.

• Olympique Lyonnais crushed Olympique de Marseille (3-0) last night at the Vélodrome stadium for the last match of the 35th day of Ligue 1.

08:48 : ? A possible cohabitation? ➡️ “It’s not that I believe in it, it’s that there are no other ways. We can’t go to these elections today with the sole ambition of being the champions of the opposition”, says Fabien Roussel, for whom “these differences are a source of wealth”.

09:11 : Meanwhile, on franceinfo, Fabien Roussel returns to the negotiations in progress between his party, the PCF, and La France insoumise. “I hope that we too will manage to conclude this agreement today, during the day, in the evening, at night if necessary”did he declare.

08:43 : “Disagreements remain on the international, but we can agree on measures that are the responsibility of the Assembly and act for the climate.”

On BFMTV, the number one of EELV returns to the agreement announced this night.

08:13 : What are the chances of the new LFI-EELV alliance in the legislative elections? On franceinfo, political scientist Jean Petaux believes that “the step is very high to win in this third round”.


09:05 : Hello @Legislative suite. I grant you, it is not always easy to navigate between what falls under the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic. We just published an article last week to take stock. Remember, however, that this scenario is not the most likely: since the establishment of the five-year term and the alignment of calendars, the winner of the presidential election has always obtained a majority in the legislative elections in stride.

08:05 : Thank you very much Thomas and @legislatives, that’s exactly the question I was asking myself! But then who decides when the positions of the PM and that of the president diverge completely? (On Europe and NATO for example)…

09:04 : “I observe that things unimaginable some time ago, thanks to the results of the presidential election, are moving.”

On franceinfo channel 27, Alexis Corbière wants to believe in an agreement with the PS and the PCF, the day after the alliance with the ecologists.

08:07 : “The leadership of the Socialist Party stands behind the rebel who succeeded.”

On RTL, the elected PS, long opposed to any agreement with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, regrets the negotiations in progress and compares the latter to the internal opposition which had complicated the mandate of François Hollande.

09:02 : Hello @Legislative. You are right on paper: the President of the Republic appoints the Prime Minister and nothing would prevent Emmanuel Macron, in the event of a possible victory for the left, from choosing another personality from the new majority. Except that in practice, the deputies would very probably refuse to dub a personality other than the “rebellious” leader. This could force the president to follow their choice. This is what happened during previous cohabitations. In 1986, François Mitterrand could have named another representative of the RPR than Jacques Chirac, but the right-wing deputies would not have let him do so.

07:37 : Hello, Mr. Mélenchon calls on citizens to appoint him Prime Minister; but isn’t it the President who appoints the PM? If the union of the left wins the legislative elections, President Macron will choose whoever he wants in this party, right?

08:59 : “We want this Popular Union to continue to expand and unite, including with the Communists and Socialists that we will see during the day.”

On franceinfo, the elected European reacts to the agreement announced last night with environmentalists.

07:01 : It’s time for the press review. Announced late last night, the agreement between EELV and LFI is not on the front page of your newspapers, but the negotiations on the left are. Examples with Humanity, Opinion and The Parisian.


Today in France


08:53 : Hello @William. Apart from the various parties of the current center-right majority (LREM, Modem, Agir, Horizons), no agreement between political parties is emerging for the moment. The Les Républicains party has repeated several times that there will be no alliance either with LREM or with the RN. And, on the far right, the party of Marine Le Pen refused the advances of the movement of Eric Zemmour (Reconquest!).

06:54 : Hello, we hear a lot about discussions and agreements between the different left-wing parties. But what about the right? Have there been agreements or talks between the main parties, or do they wish to remain individual in the National Assembly?

06:10 : “We call on the other left-wing forces to join this dynamic to seek an alternative majority in the Assembly.”

At the end of the meeting, the number one of the Greens also launched an appeal to the PS and the PCF.

08:40 : This is the news of the night. La France insoumise and EELV have reached a historic agreement for the June legislative elections. Concretely, the two formations will present common candidates under the banner of the “New People’s Ecological and Social Union”. They will be ecologists in a hundred constituencies (out of 577) and “rebellious” in the others. Pending possible agreements with other left formations.

08:46 : We start with a first point on the news:

The alliance is sealed. La France insoumise and Europe Ecologie-Les Verts have concluded an agreement for the legislative elections, under the banner of “New Popular Ecological and Social Union”.

• Russia is not seeking to end the war by May 9, says Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. This date is highly symbolic in Russia and celebrated as the “Day of Victory” of the Allies against Nazi Germany in 1945.

116,500 people demonstrated in France on Sunday, according to the Interior Ministry. They were “over 210,000”, according to the CGT. Five demonstrators tell us why they marched.

• Olympique Lyonnais crushed Olympique de Marseille (3-0) last night at the Vélodrome stadium for the last match of the 35th day of Ligue 1.

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