Fabien Roussel heard at the end of August by the justice in free hearing

The national secretary of the French Communist Party is suspected of having been paid as an assistant to a deputy between 2009 and 2014, without having actually worked for Parliament.

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The deputy of the North and national secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF), Fabien Roussel, suspected of having been paid as an assistant to a deputy between 2009 and 2014, without having actually worked for the Parliament, was heard at the end of August in hearing free, learned franceinfo Monday, September 12 from a judicial source, confirming information from RTL.

The deputy from the North who disputes these accusations, was heard by the investigators of the Central Office for the Fight against Financial Offenses (OCLCIFF) as part of an investigation by the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) for embezzlement of public funds, said indicated this source.

It was the investigative site Mediapart which had published in February 2022, in the middle of the presidential campaign, an article (reserved for subscribers) accusing the number one communist of having been paid as a parliamentary assistant to the communist deputy Jean- Jacques Candelier. The former Communist Party candidate for the presidential election had assured on Twitter that he had the “evidence” of his “fieldwork” in the north.

On franceinfo, on March 29, Fabien Roussel returned to this Mediapart article which “involves” and had indicated that it had “bruised”. “When you are a communist militant, when you are a communist parliamentary assistant and you give yourself without counting, you are toucheddid he declare. We donate our emoluments, we don’t get rich when we work and we are the only ones to do it.”

Radio France’s investigation unit had contacted union officials in the sector where the candidate said he had worked, but they said they did not remember his presence with Communist deputy Jean-Jacques Candelier.

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