Fabien Roussel gives him the best compliment and talks about his daughter’s cancer

This Sunday, March 12, 2023, Alexandra Lamy was the guest of Laurent Delahousse on the set of 8:30 p.m. on Sunday broadcast on France 2. In full promotion of the latest film by Lisa Azuelos, The room of wondersin which she plays Thelma, a mother who decides to make the list of “10 things to do before the end of the world”of her son in a coma, the actress was able to talk about the filming in front of the host’s second guest, Fabien Roussel, who was particularly touched by the story of this hard-hitting achievement.

See also:

“A hymn to life”

“I was personally touched, as millions of French people will be, because in my life I accompanied my daughter for six months, who was diagnosed with cancer at the age of nine and cancer hard”first explained the former presidential candidate before adding: “I know the energy that a father, a mother, can put into the life of their child and that, in the hospital, it is first of all life that is there to chase away death. And so I met the clowns of hope, I saw these marvelous caregivers from the Jeanne de Flandre hospital who have a specialized unit for children with leukemia and this film is a hymn to life. You embody it with wonder. We don’t cry in this film. We come out with energy, fighting spirit and a smile.” A moving testimony that visibly moved Alexandra Lamy.

For good reason… The 51-year-old actress and director struggled to hold back her tears. Fortunately, the pretty blonde managed to recover quickly. Behind the scenes, she also showed herself to be very complicit alongside the politician with whom she seems to have had a great time. A nice meeting!


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