Fabien Roussel, communist candidate for the presidential election, answers questions from franceinfo listeners

Fabien Roussel, candidate of the French Communist Party in the presidential election was the guest of the “Presidential Mornings” of franceinfo” Wednesday, January 26. Revaluation of pensions, energy, rental prices, fight against radical Islamism, environment: he answered questions from franceinfo listeners and readers of our partner Le Parisien / Today in France.

>> Ehpad, end of the vaccination pass and referendum on the EU… What to remember from the interview with Fabien Roussel on franceinfo

– Retirees. “Will pensions be upgraded?”, asks for example Noelle, retired in the Var. Fabien Roussel promises that if he is elected, there will be no pension less than 1,200 euros net for all retirees. He proposes to lower the CSG and restore the tax half-share for widows and widowers.

– The price of rents. Marino, he wanted to hear the communist candidate on the rents, sometimes considered too high. “We must renovate 500,000 social housing units per year and build 250,000 per year, this will reduce private prices, because there will be less tension on the market”explained Fabien Roussel, who wishes to divide the price of rents at least by two. “The price of rent should not exceed 20% of income”he promised.

– Ecology. Germain, a 23-year-old student in economics in Paris, asks for his part how to reconcile the environment and a rise in the standard of living.“I am not for the ecology of punishment, I am for the ecology of the solution”reacts Fabien Roussel .. “We must change our consumption and production methodshe added. We must allow everyone to live with dignity, to have access to a clean car and access to public transport.”

– The audiovisual license fee. André, retired in the Loire, 83 years old, questions the candidate on the subject of the audiovisual license fee. Fabien Roussel calls for it to be removed and denounces too much concentration in media groups. He wants to give more power to group employees to “liberate information from the weight of finance”.

– Radical Islamism. Sacha, 32 years old and embassy attaché, broaches the subject of the fight against radical Islamism. “Yes, there is a threat in France from Islamist terrorist networksbelieves Fabien Roussel. We must not give an inch to all their attempts sometimes insidious.” The communist candidate proposes “to hit the wallet” Islamist organizations.

He denounces the abandonment by the State of certain neighborhoods, in which he wants to develop local policing, thwart trafficking, reinstall public services and give more resources to associations that work for social ties.

– Energy. In Bastia, Michel, 69 and retired from the Banque Postale, challenges the candidate on the subject of energy. “Today, the rise in the price of gasoline affects everyone, and we are placing some of our citizens under house arrest”judge Fabien Roussel about the government’s measures to fight against soaring energy prices. “This government spends public money very, very badly”judges the communist candidate who wants to put in place a floating tax on the price of fuels and “make the oil companies pay”.

“I want the whole of this sector to be brought together in a public energy package. Electricity is a common good, it should not fluctuate like the stock market.” “If we want to reindustrialize France, we will have to use carbon-free electricity to meet the challenges of global warming”continues the candidate.

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