Fabien Roussel accuses the government of having “passed by force” in the Assembly

What there is to know

After the end of the debates at the Bourbon Palace, the Communist deputy Fabien Roussel accuses the government of having passed “in strength” to the National Assembly on pension reform. The former presidential candidate said on Sunday February 19 that the executive chose to use article 47-1 “which limits the number of days [de débat parlementaire]at twenty days”. “We could not have time to conduct all the necessary discussions”he said on the program “Sunday in politics” on France 3. Follow the situation in our live.

Philippe Martinez accuses La France insoumise of having engaged in parliamentary obstruction. The deputies finished, Friday evening, to debate on the bill on the reform of the pensions, without arriving until article 7, which relates to the measurement of age. Philippe Martinez criticized, on BFMTV, La France insoumise for having engaged in parliamentary obstruction. The leader of the CGT criticizes LFI for wanting “appropriate the social movement to put the unions in the background”.

LFI criticized within the Nupes. Several members of the left alliance have denounced the strategy followed by La France insoumise. They judge it against the current of that defined collectively.

Aurélien Pradié dismissed from his position as number 2 with the Republicans. The deputy of Lot pays for his positions going against those of the party leadership.

Emmanuel Macron’s popularity rating at its lowest in three years according to a poll. It lost two points in February to reach its lowest level for three years, with 32% of French people satisfied with the action of the President of the Republic, according to an Ifop poll for the Sunday newspaper (article subscribers).

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