Fabien Haimovici swings on his female colleagues in “Don’t forget the lyrics” after the revelation of a candidate

For several days, he has not had his tongue in his pocket. Present in “Don’t forget the lyrics” since 2014, the singer of the program, giving the lead to the candidates, Fabien Haimovici, is more and more talkative and does not hesitate to reveal a few anecdotes. Proof of this is with his intervention on February 14 on the occasion of Valentine’s Day. Nagui therefore asking the artist where his love life was. “You know, sometimes love has let me down. So saying ‘long live love’ sometimes, it’s not easy for me”, replied Fabien Haimovici, he confided sadly before ensuring that he was currently single. A sentimental situation that does not seem to have convinced Magali Ripoll, his partner. “But it’s not nice for her! How dare you say that”she threw at him to make it clear that he wasn’t really telling the truth.

Nagui jumping at the chance to tease his singer: “Oh the scoop! He’s actually with a girl and he doesn’t want to say it so he’s like, ‘No, no I’m not in love'”. No doubt “annoyed” to have been displayed, Fabien Haimovici took his revenge this Tuesday, February 15 during the passage of Quentin, candidate who came to challenge the ephemeral maestro Manon. The young man announcing that he had plans to marry his darling Kelly next September. An announcement that would disappoint many people, according to the member of the troupe of “Don’t forget the lyrics”. “I think there’s going to be a lot of unhappy young girls in the group…of this news”. The host of France 2, surprised by this revelation, wanted to know more and launched: “Excuse me? In the group of Don’t Forget the Lyrics? There were young girls attracted to our candidate ?”. To which Fabien replied: “I’m just saying there’s a lot of happiness and a lot of unhappiness too…”

Unfortunately, no name has been given. And Nagui will have to investigate to find out more.

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