Extremely skinny reality TV star worries internet users

Joey turner appeared for three seasons on the reality show The Only Way Is Essex. It has generated both the sympathy of some viewers and the anger of thousands more. The young man still divides them on social networks: his photos showing him extremely thin earned him as much admiration as reproach.

Young, slim and wealthy socialite, suffering from a superiority complex“: Joey Turner’s Instagram bio paints his portrait! He shares his passion for fashion with nearly 40,000 subscribers, through photos of him and his sources of inspiration. The images that show him greatly worry Internet users. Joey has lost a lot of weight and is bragging about it.

Handsome and poor of me, I have problems“, he still amuses himself in the caption of a photo showing him dressed in a transparent black shirt and smoking a cigarette (to see in the slideshow). followers obviously reacted by commenting. “Icon“, writes a surfer.”Superb“, adds a second.”My cheekbones goal“,”How to look like you?“, others add. A subscriber is much less optimistic:”I hope you will get the help you need soon“.

Since making his TV debut in 2019, Joey has changed dramatically. His transformation is however intended to be voluntary: on Instagram, the blond with an androgynous look posts pictures of his sources of inspiration, namely a very thin Paris Hilton in the 2000s and Kate Moss, face of the wave of models skinny.

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