Extreme heat: the inhabitants of the more than five million thermal colanders suffocate


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – M. Pujolas, E. Chevillard

France Televisions

In France, according to a study by the Abbé Pierre Foundation, more than five million homes are considered thermal sieves. In periods of high heat, the inhabitants suffocate.

As soon as the fine weather arrives, Barbara seals herself in her apartment in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), closing her shutters and turning on her fan. Here are his solutions to withstand the heat. “We take showers every quarter of an hour, and we do our beach on our sofa”, she says. According to a study by the Abbé Pierre Foundation, more than five million homes are affected in France. Thermal colanders that cannot be heated in winter and cooled in summer.

A struggle that lasts all year

Another example in Lyon (Rhône), where an owner is suffocating with temperatures in her apartment which regularly exceed the 30°C. She took advice to have it insulated from the inside. Work that will make it lose living space. Fighting against energy poverty is therefore all year round. 59% of French people said they suffered from the heat at home last summer.

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