extra ways for mental health

Nineteen actions have been identified for the next five years. Some are already operational like creation of mobile units who go to meet at-risk populations: ” The big demand is mobile teams ” confirms Alexis Jamet, director of the George Sand hospital center. ” This can be for the elderly, it can be for precarious people, or people with a mental disability. It is something that is highly anticipated. Let the teams move on the field and go into direct contact. We know the tenuous link, for example, between psychiatry and precariousness. A large part of this new funding (almost half) will also go towards training. Indeed, for a mobile team, it is necessary to rely on a nurse and a psychologist, and the people who apply, work in other devices. Inevitably, it is necessary to be able to replace them by training other personnel.

The Cher territorial mental health contract identifies nineteen actions © Radio France
Michael Benoit

One of the accents is on early detection of mental illness and for this we will train front-line workers such as social workers, firefighters, doctors, for example, so that they report cases. The regional health agency provides two million additional euros : ” This money will go for training, but also to strengthen or create new teams “explains Laurent Habert, director of the ARS Centre-Val de Loire. ” This will help improve support.

The Covid crisis has increased the demand for mental health care
The Covid crisis has increased the demand for mental health care © Radio France
Michael Benoit

Families of patients in particular are better integrated into care. It was a recurring request from them because they can alert well before the crisis. It is essential, recalls Jean-Marie Aurouze, regional delegate of Unafam: ” If we take care of the person too late and they are in crisis, we multiply the difficulties. The earlier we intervene, the more we can help him understand and accept his illness. “ Bernadette Le Guen will be the representative of the families in this territorial mental health contract for Cher: ” We want the voice of families to be heard, especially when there are breaks in care, since we know that some patients have difficulty following their treatment diligently. Families can help improve medical follow-up when the person leaves care. Families are in the front row to see when things are going less well and it is therefore important that the doors are not closed. “ The goal is to promote social inclusion sick people since there is no real cure for a mental illness.

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