Extortion in Laval | Five other suspects arrested

(Laval) Police report on Monday the arrest of five other alleged criminals who were allegedly involved last summer in the intimidation and violence against restaurant owners in the Laval area who were asked money in return for a protection service.

Posted at 8:39

The Laval Police Department (SPL) explains that the owners of establishments who refused to comply with the demands of the bandits would have received death threats and fire threats from the buildings housing their businesses.

The five suspects all appeared in court at the Laval courthouse on charges of arson, possession of incendiary materials, mischief and assault with a weapon.

Marc Arthur Aurélien, 47, is accused of having set fire to a restaurant on boulevard Curé-Labelle, in the Chomedey sector, on July 5. He remains detained.

On July 9, Jean Jacques Tuelenake, 20, Tommy Gabriel Collin-Arias, 28, and Majdi Benbaha, 23, reportedly showed up at a party where one of the victims was, according to police. They allegedly committed assault with a weapon and assault causing bodily harm.

Tommy Gabriel Collin-Arias and Majdi Benbaha remain detained while Jean Jacques Tuelenake was released with conditions to be respected.

Finally, Isai Octavius, aged 20, is accused of having burned down, on October 7, a restaurant on boulevard Curé-Labelle, in Chomedey. He was released with conditions.

Investigators from the Crimes Against Persons and General Crimes squads of the SPL had mentioned such crimes in a communication issued on August 30.

The police are asking anyone who may have been a victim or who has information on cases of extortion or death threats to contact the authorities.

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