Extinction Rebellion activists block access to the landfill site

Several dozen activists from the environmental association Extinction Rébellion block entrances to the Stocamine site in Wittelsheim (Haut-Rhin) on Saturday 28 May. They are protesting against the decision to permanently bury several thousand tons of waste.

Go further than the court decision

“The substances we want to bury are located under the highest water table in Europe. We’ve been talking about it for twenty years and nothing has been done and the state wants to make the project even more ecocidal by concreteizing the area”explains Pousse (a nickname), one of the activists present on the spot.

On Wednesday, May 25, the administrative court of Strasbourg suspended the final landfilling of the waste following an interim suspension filed by the European Community of Alsace (CEA) and the association Alsace Nature.

According to the court, “there is serious doubt as to the legality” of the prefectural decree, which will examine the substance of the decision by the end of 2022.

But activists want a clear decision from the state to stop the concreting project. “The court’s decision is a step in the right direction and we want to reinforce it with our mobilization today. But there have already been a lot of investigations which have demonstrated the toxicity of the site and the State has done nothing more. “, illuminates Push.

The gendarmes of Haut-Rhin are also on the site and have already exchanged with the militants.

source site-38