extension of the wearing of masks to all markets


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Faced with the increase in the number of contaminations, the government is tightening the screws on the markets. The ddecree published Wednesday, December 1 is more restrictive than before, as explained Florence Griffon on the 19/20 set.

The wearing of the compulsory mask is extended to all markets. Whereas the rules were previously decreed by the prefects, from now on they will be applicable everywhere. “The mask is even strongly recommended for all children from 6 years old”, specifies the journalist of France Televisions, Florence Griffon. The health pass remains compulsory only on Christmas markets – and not on other covered and uncovered markets.

Goodbye homemade masks: only masks that filter more than 90% are allowed, “like FFP2 or surgical”, emphasizes Florence Griffon. The mask must be in perfect condition and must cover the nose, mouth and chin continuously. The use of hydroalcoholic gel will be compulsory for all people over the age of eleven. “The traders themselves must systematically disinfect their hands after handling money”, indicates the journalist. The government therefore recommends dedicating an employee to the collection. Regular checks will be carried out.

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