Extension of the deposit | The first phase will begin on November 1

(Montreal) The first phase of the modernization of deposits in Quebec will begin on 1er November by standardizing the price of returnable containers at 10 cents, and by extending the deposit to all aluminum beverage cans.

The Quebec Association for the Recovery of Beverage Containers (AQRCB), the organization designated by Recyc-Québec to implement this reform, revealed the details of the extension of the deposit during a press conference on Thursday morning .

All returnable containers, with the exception of glass bottles from 500 ml to two liters, will be adjusted to the prices of 10 cents. Bottles of glass will be refunded at 25 cents.

Second new feature: all aluminum cans from 100 ml to two liters will be returnable. For example, cans of V8 brand juice and cans of carbonated water will now be included in the deposit system.

For the moment, the deposit machines will not be replaced at retailers, indicated the AQRCB. The organization is currently working with machine suppliers to have the barcodes inside this equipment updated, in anticipation of the new cans which will be returnable from 1er november.

The Quebec government announced its extended deposit plan in January 2020.

The AQRCB will apply the principle of extended producer responsibility (EPR), “according to which companies which place products on the market are responsible for their end-of-life management”. The association was first created, in October 2021, with the aim of representing companies in the development of new deposit measures.

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