People who have professional income to declare benefit from an additional week to declare their income online. A decision taken by the tax administration due to a computer problem.
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Only certain departments are affected, but the problem concerns enough people to justify this postponement. For departments ranging from one to nineteen, and non-residents in France, initially the deadline set for declaring 2023 income was May 23. The deadline is finally extended to Thursday May 30.
The General Directorate of Public Finances – which announced this postponement via its social networks – does not specify the origin of the IT problem and assures that the problems are, normally, now resolved. Taxpayers wishing to complete their declaration on time have encountered repetitive blockages: impossible to complete the declaration a few days before the deadline, access refused to this or that form, a box checked at the end of the process which cancels the whole of the procedure and it’s back to square one. In short, the computer bug which comes at a very bad time.
The people concerned are only those who have professional income to declare, self-employed people or employees with additional income such as industrial and commercial profits (BIC) or non-commercial profits (BNC). For all others, the deadlines are maintained, nothing changes. For taxpayers who live in zone 2 (departments 20 to 54, and the two departments of Corsica), the deadline for online declarations remains set at May 30. For all others, departments 55 to 976, the online declaration deadline is Thursday June 6, the latest deadline. You must not miss the mark, at the risk of incurring penalties.