express weight loss and worry about all his implants… but what’s going on?

If it’s an entertainment show, The Apprentice Adventurers nevertheless remains a very complicated program for the participants. In addition to the hardships, succeeding in “surviving” only with the bare minimum, and not being able to eat your fill, is sometimes very complicated to manage. It is probably not Jessica Thivenin who will say the opposite. The companion of Thibault Garcia also appeared frightened in the last episodes of reality TV W9. Blame it on his weight loss.

Fans of Maylone and Leewane’s mom know she’s had cosmetic surgery on several occasions and she’s never shied away from it. However, having passed on the billiards several times, the pretty blonde was overwhelmed with terrible anguish when she saw her new silhouette in the episode of this Wednesday, June 15. In order to reassure herself, she asked the opinion of her man, as well as her friends Paga and Giuseppa.

More plastic than skin?

“I have a question to ask you, it’s important”she explains to her comrades at first before specifying: “I looked at my reflection and can you see my prostheses? Does it make hollows (showing his buttocks: editor’s note)? skin ?”. To make her fear understood, Jessica Thivenin added that she felt that she had “thinned down a lot” but that she had no “I don’t want people to see all my implants protruding everywhere”.

A request that did not fail to react Thibault Garcia who was quick to tease her on the subject. “Imagine if you die on a desert island and disintegrate, there will be five little pieces of plastic left”he had fun before his friend Paga asked the young mother what she had had her body redone: “Chin, chest and buttocks. Back then there was Tutankhamun, now there’s All-Plastic”. A hilarious sequence which still had to worry Jessica Thivenin at the time.

See also: Jessica Thivenin in tears on Snapchat… Find out why!


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