express recruitment on classified ads

Who to replace absent teachers? This is the question that many parents of students ask themselves, faced with the shortage of substitutes. The Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer recently promised reinforcements. But in an emergency, how are they recruited?

Between mattresses and second-hand cars, L’Oeil du 20H responded to job offers on the internet. SOn online classifieds platforms, there are dozens of job offers: teacher of German, economics and social sciences, SVT… no subject escapes it. Many establishments are looking for substitutes to replace their tenured teachers on sick leave. We applied for three ads: each time, my lack of experience was not an obstacle.

On my CV, we specify our diplomas: our degree in political science and communication, with an option in modern letters seems sufficient to be immediately summoned to Grenoble, for a position as a French teacher. In hidden camera, we film this meeting.

Appointment is made with the director of a private institution under contract, who urgently needs a replacement for 6th and 5th grade classes.

No questions about our course were asked and less than ten minutes after our arrival, he offered to start two days later, without any training.

“Have you ever taught? No? (…) I am ready to walk with you. I measure the risk.

A director of a private establishment under contract, anonymous

The only prerequisite to hiring, an interview with the CPE who tries to reassure us about our ability to manage a class of thirty students for the first time. “Profiles like yours, we have 7 or 8 of the 80 teachers in this moment (…) We no longer have teachers… it no longer attracts anyone”

The latter even denies having to recruit on “Le Bon Coin”, for lack of candidates.

Leaving the interview, we withdrew, before the rectorate validated the recruitment. The proposed salary: Six hundred euros net per month for part-time. These contracts and these remunerations undoubtedly put off many candidates, concedes another director of a private school under contract with the State. During this second job interview, she warns us: “

You are a little more than the minimum wage (…) travel expenses are not covered, it can weigh… every time I find a person, they don’t stay, they find another job somewhere else. We can’t live with that.

A director of a private establishment under contract, anonymous

Contacted, neither the Grenoble rectorate nor the Ministry of National Education answered our questions.

source site-32