Expo Yoga Summit | At the peak of well-being

Yoga flow, yin or kundalini, meditation, pranayamas (breathing exercises), Ayurveda & femininity, mantras, healthy eating…

Posted at 1:00 p.m.

Iris Gagnon Paradise

Iris Gagnon Paradise
The Press

These are all workshops and classes that are on the program of the Expo Yoga Summit, an initiative of Expo Yoga & well-being, which rolls out its carpet this Tuesday 1er February, and until March 14.

The diversified online program is aimed at all those who want to deepen their practice, reconnect with the essentials, recharge their batteries and discover new approaches to health and well-being.

In all, 12 live sessions are offered, plus 15 pre-recorded sessions, and six weeks to explore them at your own pace.

With the participation of 30 guests including Annie Langlois, co-founder of the event, Sophie Maffolini, Ima and Maxime Morin from Rose Buddha, who is a partner of the event.

Simply register online ($48 for the month) to participate in the virtual event.

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