Explosion in the 5th arrondissement of Paris: research suspended


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

P. Mauger, C. Morand, P. Lagaune, @RevelateursFTV, P. Goldmann – France 3

France Televisions

Research in the rubble of rue Saint-Jacques is suspended for security reasons and a risk of landslide. A woman is still missing since the explosion, Wednesday, June 21, of a building. Some evacuated residents were able to come and collect some belongings on Friday.

The field of ruins is frozen. Neither the firefighters nor the investigators can approach it. On Friday June 23, the search was suspended because the area is deemed too dangerous. The buildings adjoining the charred building are in danger of collapsing. For two days, the rubble was painstakingly excavated to find a woman in her fifties, a sewing teacher at the Paris American Academy. She is still missing, since this violent explosion.

The neighborhood awaits explanations

Two days after the tragedy, some evacuated residents were allowed to collect some belongings from their homes. Others will have to wait several more days, left to their own devices with the weight of the trauma. “I no longer have a house. All my things are there, I can’t work, I don’t have a cell phone, so I’m doing the menu and no papers”, says Christophe Gariglione, bar owner rue Saint-Jacques. Friday morning, some affected traders had the visit of the first experts. A neighborhood that is also waiting for explanations, to know exactly what caused such an explosion.

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