Explosion aboard an oil tanker | At least one person killed and six injured near Hong Kong

(Hong Kong) At least one person was killed and six others were injured in an explosion aboard an oil tanker 300 km east of the Hong Kong coast on Saturday, authorities said.

Posted at 11:11 a.m.

The authorities were alerted around 4:05 a.m. to the explosion, the causes of which had not been identified on Saturday evening, aboard this 9,995-ton vessel registered in Panama, a government spokesman said.

A plane and two helicopters were then dispatched to rescue seven members of the crew of the Chang Yi injured in the explosion. One of them was dead when help arrived, authorities said.

Three Indonesian men in their thirties were seriously injured, including one suffering second-degree burns over 30% of his body, while others suffered burns to the face.

Two other Indonesians and a Burmese, all aged 30 to 40, suffered minor injuries.

Authorities were unable to see any oil leaks due to poor visibility after dark, the government spokesman told AFP.

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