Video length: 5 min.
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This week, the 13 Hours takes you to discover exceptional paradise. On Monday, May 22, the teams set sail for the islands of Surine, off the coast of Thailand.
The archipelago of the Surin Islands (Thailand) is one of those places almost forgotten by men. A string of five islands, set on the crystal clear waters of the Andaman Sea. These 135 kilometers of sea and land are protected and located 50 km from the coast of the continent. After 1h30 by boat, the first tourists arrive on site, attracted by the reputation of the seabed. A mask, flippers and Surine is revealed. Only a few meters deep, life abounds. “It’s extraordinary. It’s a beautiful trip. I don’t regret it”marvels a French tourist.
A preserved heritage
This national park also has its guardian angels, the rangers. This patrol is led by Wirat Banleng. For 17 years, he has devoted his life to protecting these natural treasures, on land and at sea. “We sometimes have litter or other worries on the coral reef”, he explains. Richelieu is one of the most famous diving spots in the world. Corals serve as a refuge and food pantry for fish. Every three days on average, the rangers come to clean the area. In addition, on the Surin Islands, fishing is in principle prohibited. The moken, locals, are the only ones who can fish.