Explorer Mike Horn joins forces with a company from Nord-Isère for his new project

The Isère company Serge Ferrari headquartered in La Tour-du-Pin joins Mike Horn’s latest projectPangea X. The famous explorer will select ten ideas proposed by young Europeans French speakers for protect the oceans. The Serge Ferrari group and other companies will be responsible for bringing their expertise to try to make these projects for the environment a reality.

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Connecting young people and their projects with the industry

The descent of the Amazon River in hydrospeed, a world tour by the equator, peaks over 8,000 meters high… but it is above all on the ice floe that global warming hit mike horn. In 2006, it measured 2m56 of ice at the North Pole. When he returns there fourteen years later “the ice was 8cm”too thin to withstand the wind. “On returning, the ice began to drift faster than me, I could walk. After eleven days of walking, I was still in the same place” says the adventurer after a working meeting with the Serge Ferrari teams, specialists in the design of fabrics and membranes.

I said but, I have to do something because my playing field has changed

It was then that he decided to launch a project for the protection of the environment. “I was saying but, I have to do something because my playing field has changed.” This something will be encourage young people to defend their ideas to protect the oceansincluding plastic pollution. “Young people today, we don’t listen to them. They don’t have the opportunity to propose their project to the industry and we are that door.”

Serge Ferrari will provide technical expertise

Mike Horn surrounds himself with several companies for this including the Serge Ferrari group. “There is both an endowment and technical participation, expertise, support in project management” explains Sébastien Baril, the company’s chairman of the board. “It’s young people! So not necessarily with industrial or technical experience behind them, so it’s all this expertise that companies like Serge Ferrari will put to use in this project.”

The objective in opening the doors of companies to the young people selected is also to create vocations for engineers or researchers on environmental issues. Applications to participate in Pangea X are open until March 6.

An Isère team around Voiron has already submitted its project. The team that wins 1st prize will win an expedition to the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard in the arctic ocean with Mike Horn to test his project in real conditions and the possibility of getting in touch with potential investors.

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