Explain to us the rules governing the official campaign

This campaign will end Friday at midnight. From the next day, it will be prohibited to broadcast any electoral propaganda and to hold electoral meetings.



Reading time: 2 min

An electoral campaign sign for the early legislative elections of 2024. (BRUNO LEVESQUE / MAXPPP)

The official campaign for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, 2024 will end on Friday June 28 at midnight. Until then, in each municipality, electoral posters will be posted on special locations, as for the European elections. The electoral code provides an equal display surface for each candidate, pair or list of candidates. There is also the possibility for each candidate to post posters on free expression panels.

There are official clips on public television and radio channels, which allow minimal airtime to be given to each political party. Broadcast slots drawn at random by Arcom were set on Thursday June 20. The broadcast of clips began the next day. On France 2, the first slot is in the morning at 10:20 a.m., the second, behind the 1 p.m. news, and the third behind the 8 p.m. news, which is the most watched and logically the one preferred by political parties. Arcom is responsible for monitoring the content of the clips.

All radio and television stations (public and private) must respect a principle of fairness. These media must count the speaking time of candidates and their supporters and grant them speaking time that corresponds to their representativeness. They must take into account the results obtained by the different political groups during the last legislative elections or other more recent elections. Opinion polls are also taken into account.

Counting speaking times is very difficult because the electoral campaign is very short. In the event of an imbalance in favor or to the detriment of one camp, it is complicated to rectify the situation quickly, without taking into account the counts at the local or national level and the particular cases of divided political parties, such as the Republicans.

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