The disappearance of Emile, two and a half years old, at the beginning of last July in this mountainous town in the Alpes de Haute Provence, remains a mystery. Eight months later, the investigating judges organized a “scenario” all day on Thursday, March 28, despite the differences in weather.
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A “situation” is not strictly speaking a reconstruction. But Haut-Vernet is holding its breath and preparing to relive the drama on Thursday March 28. While a reconstruction is a legal operation carried out in an adversarial manner, in the presence of the person accused, civil parties, investigators and investigating judges, the situation is carried out here without a specific suspect. Furthermore, we cannot talk about reconstitution because we do not respect the weather, the season, the time. Today, it is early spring, the surrounding mountains are powdered with snow. Now, Émile, two and a half years, disappeared in midsummer, the vegetation was abundant and the light different.
Information to be verified after the wave of searches
This discrepancy can be explained. This operation comes four months after a wave of searches carried out in several departments, and investigators have specific elements to verify. Information that leads them to speed up the procedure. They want to check everyone’s schedules and declarations as closely as possible. It is therefore a question of replaying the scene of Emile’s disappearance, minute by minute, to see if there are any inconsistencies in the testimonies of the 17 people summoned, in particular two neighbors. The last two to have seen the child living in the street leading down from the hamlet.
Investigators may also want to compare statements with telephony. A lot of work has been done in this area. Drones will help investigators find their way in these very steep places. During all this time and until 12 p.m. the next day, Haut Vernet will be cut off from the world.