The safety of nuclear power plants in France is at the heart of a vote in Parliament on Tuesday. The idea is to merge two players in the sector: ASN and IRSN.
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Parliament must vote on Tuesday April 9 on the merger of the nuclear watchdog, ASN, with the sector’s technical expert, IRSN. This text provides for the creation in 2025 of a Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority (ASNR), resulting from the merger of these two bodies. The government, in the context of a vast atomic recovery plan, wants to reduce the time required for expertise and authorization of installations.
ASN, the nuclear “policeman”
LNuclear Safety Authority (ASN) gives its opinion to the government on the operation of infrastructure such as power stations, but also fuel or nuclear waste storage sites. It is also she who decides on the extension of active power plants, which are inspected every ten years. For example, in August 2023, it was she who gave a positive opinion to continue operating the Tricastin power plant in Drôme. However, it has exceeded 40 years, the expected lifespan of a power plant.
IRSN, the nuclear experts
The Institute of Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) brings together nuclear experts. Scientists who carry out research to better understand how this energy works and who analyze the risks around nuclear installations, such as power plants, but also medical radiology laboratories. For this, the IRSN will in particular carry out control measures on all these sites, to check that they do not emit too much radiation, which could have consequences on health or the environment. IRSN employed more than 1,700 employees at the end of 2022.
How do they work together?
The ASN may request the opinion of IRSN experts for certain of its decisions. Moreover, the IRSN has a dedicated budget for its assistance to the ASN. And the two authorities also organize crisis exercises in the power plants, to check that there is no breach in their security.
Opponents of the merger
Opponents warn of a possible loss of independence of experts and transparency towards the public. If IRSN experts, for example, are opposed to the merger with ASN, it is because they fear losing their independence, at a time when most French power plants are reaching 40 years, their lifespan planned life. They demonstrate in front of Parliament on Tuesday morning.