Change for the sake of change
I have a 2018 Toyota Camry LE with 86,000 km that I am very satisfied with. I like the Corolla Hybrid. Would it be beneficial to change vehicles given that my Camry has very good resale value? I usually keep my cars for 10 years. I no longer go to Florida, so my mileage will be around 10,000 km per year. What do you recommend ?
Ginette M.
On a financial and ecological level, why not keep your current vehicle? Of course, you will save on fuel by opting for a Corolla. However, considering your annual mileage and the costs associated with the purchase of a new vehicle (financing, insurance, winter tires, etc.), it is better to keep your Camry. After all, you keep your vehicles for an average of 10 years. So you still have a few years left.

Suzuki Grand Vitara
We have owned a Suzuki Grand Vitara since 2012. As this brand has withdrawn from the North American market and will no longer distribute parts starting this year, should we change vehicles? Would Subaru’s Forester or Toyota’s RAV4 be good candidates to replace our current vehicle that we really liked for its winter prowess?
Lucie R.
Rest assured, although the distribution of spare parts poses a problem, you will always be able to obtain them through scrap dealers or equipment manufacturers to keep your vehicle running. That said, you could indeed consider replacing it and of the two vehicles mentioned, the Forester appears to be a worthy successor to your current vehicle due to the performance of its all-wheel drive. It should be noted that the Forester will undergo a redesign next year, but the current version is not without interest due to its proven reliability.
Wired or wireless?

2019 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid
I own a 2019 RAV4 hybrid with 67,500 km on the clock. Since I can get a good price for it, I’m thinking of purchasing the bZ4X. The dealer tells me that the delivery time is three months for the most equipped model, the XLE. I am retired and do little mileage. What is your recommendation?
You may get a great price, but is that your only motivation? It’s very good to take the electric turn, but it requires a certain amount of preparation. Do you have access to a charging station? What use do you plan to make of the vehicle? Does it correspond to your needs and your use? We offer you the most chic (read expensive) version, but do you really need it? In addition, the bZ4X is not the vehicle offering the best autonomy on the market and it will be subject to some updates in the coming months (charging capacity). Your RAV4 hybrid has little mileage on its odometer and it is probably paid for. Our recommendation: keep it!
Big size

2020 Subaru Legacy
I am a retired person who likes to go hiking in a comfortable sedan type vehicle, but not electric. Due to my height (6’4″), I struggle to find a comfortable driving position. So far, only a Volvo gives me satisfaction in this area. I also look at reliability and smoothness of ride. What do you recommend ? My budget is around $65,000.
Claude C.
According to Consumer Reports, the Subaru Legacy is among the best sedans for people your size. In addition, it corresponds to both your budget and your criteria (reliability and smooth ride).