expensive and not very effective


Video length: 1 min

Facial sunscreens: expensive and not very effective

A UFC-Que Choisir survey shows that a third of facial sunscreens do not live up to their promises.

(France 2)

A UFC-Que Choisir survey shows that a third of facial sunscreens do not live up to their promises.

Apply cream to protect yourself from the sun. A usual practice, especially in summer. But, according to the UFC-Que Choisir association, certain facial brands do not keep their promises. For almost a third of them, the indicess 50 and 50+ written on the packaging are not respected. The manufacturers did not provide explanations to the magazine about these differences.

Possible to use a body sunscreen on the face

But if you use sunscreen for the body, are they also effective for the face? “Sun creams for the body are a little oilier, a little thicker, you can use them without any danger on the face, you just have to be careful with the eyelids”says Paul Young, dErmatologist. Two products, when only one would be enough and their prices are particularly high. UFC-Que Choisir underlines this : for certain brands of sunscreen, the price per liter can reach almost 900 euros.

source site-14